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4M - Solar Robot Bug
4M - Solar Robot Bug
4M - Solar Robot Bug
4M - Solar Robot Bug
4M - Solar Robot Bug
4M - Solar Robot Bug

4M - Solar Robot Bug

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Description and specs
4M - Solar Robot Bug Product Description: The 4M Solar Robot Bug is an innovative educational toy that introduces children to the fascinating world of robotics and renewable energy. This kit allows children to build their own moving robot powered entirely by solar energy, eliminating the need for batteries. The robot is designed to walk on a sunny day, providing a practical demonstration of solar power in action. The Solar Robot Bug is not just a toy, but a hands-on learning tool that teaches children about mechanics and green energy concepts such as repurposing and upcycling. The kit includes all the parts needed to construct the robot, and children can use their creativity to recycle everyday materials as its body parts. This feature adds an element of customisation, allowing children to create a dinosaur or monster robot with its own unique personality. Modelled after real-life solar-powered robots, the 4M Solar Robot Bug offers a fun and engaging way to learn about alternative energy sources. It’s an award-winning Green Science toy that encourages scientific learning and fosters curiosity about the world around us. With this kit, children can explore the science behind toys and learn how they are assembled and function. Key Features: Allows children to build their own moving robot Powered by solar energy, no batteries required Teaches mechanics and green energy concepts Encourages creativity through customisation Can be transformed into a dinosaur or monster robot Suitable for children aged 8 years and up Includes all parts needed for assembly Award-winning Green Science toy Encourages scientific learning Fosters curiosity about the world The 4M Solar Robot Bug is more than just a toy; it’s an educational journey into the world of robotics and renewable energy. This kit not only provides entertainment but also stimulates scientific learning and curiosity about the world we live in. It’s an excellent tool for fostering creativity and mechanical skills in young learners. Experience the fun of building your own solar-powered robot with the 4M Solar Robot Bug.
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$12.99 shipping nationwide. Use code SALE05-TTT for an additional 5% off at checkout.

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